Robin Alexander
story is a work of fiction although it’s laced with a few actual incidents.
<g> It’s dedicated to Becky,
my love, my heart.
are a total coward,” my best friend said in her most loving way. “I thought you
were going to break up with Mary two weeks ago.”
had the flu.” My voice sounded whiny and grated my own nerves. “You can’t dump
someone when she’s sick.”
raised an eyebrow and looked at me. “And what was your excuse the week before
that? Oh, wait, I remember…her dog wasn’t feeling well.”
is very important to her. She needed me to help her take him to the vet.”
rolled her eyes. “He weighs less than five pounds. What did she need your help with?”
do you know what next week is?” Carla asked as the exasperation grew in her
week is our annual trip to the Keys,” I said between clenched teeth. “And next
Thursday is February 14, Valentine’s Day. And I can’t—”
you can’t dump her on Valentine’s Day,” Carla interrupted my next pathetic
excuse. “So you’re bringing her, aren’t you?”
but after the trip, I’m telling her it’s over.”
pushed her half-eaten sandwich away angrily and took a deep breath. The real
lecture was about to begin.
and I both told you not to get involved with that woman. Your sister tried to
warn you away from her. Even cosmic forces tried to intervene!”
forces?” I asked with a chuckle.
bird attacked you while you were trying to ask her out.” Carla wagged her
finger at me. “That’s an omen.”
omen, my ass. I was standing under a tree and got too close to her nest.”
at me in the eyes and tell me that you know your loved ones are right.”
and everyone else were right. Mary was a nightmare. Possessive, insanely
jealous, moody—all the things you don’t want in a girlfriend. To make matters
worse, we had absolutely nothing in common, not one thing. Yet she clung to me
like glue. My cell phone was on silent, but it had been ringing in my purse
since the moment I sat down with Carla, and that just accentuated the point all
the more.
threw enough cash on the table to cover lunch and the tip. “Can we just go
stayed seated as I gathered my things. “Look me in the eye and tell me I was
right about Mary.”
You and everyone else were right, even that damn bird! And I will deal with it
after the trip.”
not going to be as much fun with her there,” Carla said with resignation in her
was right. I knew what I was in for, and I was dreading this trip like the
morning arrived and found me stuffing my car trunk full of bags. My one and
Mary’s four—two for clothes and two for shoes. She’d changed clothes six times
since I arrived that morning, and even though I told her she looked fine, her
dog disagreed.
we could leave, she had to love on Clarence. This was understandable. I’d spent
some extra time loving on my cats that morning, too.
my Clarence baby,” she cooed as she pressed her face to his dog food-covered
muzzle. “Auntie Sarah will be here this afternoon to take care of you while I’m
gone,” she explained while picking goo from the corners of his eyes with her
nails. “You’re a mess this morning, aren’t you, baby?”
watched as she cleaned her dog’s face with her hand, picked bits of food from
between his teeth, and when she was finished, she looked at me in disgust. “You
have a piece of lint or fuzz or something in your hair. You need to get that.”
then the journey began. As Orlando faded in the distance, I pulled out a CD
that I’d burned and popped it into the player. Mary was listening to her own
music on her iPod. My favorite songs played in the background as I drove, and
for only a short time, there was peace.
I love this song!” Mary exclaimed and plucked the ear pieces out of her ears.
actually liked a song that I did. We finally had one thing in common, but I was
not convinced that our relationship was anything but doomed.
began to sing with one of my favorite tunes—loudly. I tried to keep my face
neutral as she made sounds that I was certain were the reason for the absence
of birds in the area. I had a mental image of woodland creatures all along the
highway painfully writhing in their dens.
tried to start up a conversation, but she held her hand up. “Wait, this is the
good part.”
high note. A high note that she made so painful, I swerved into the other lane.
When we arrived at the resort, my ears were ringing because she played that
damn song over and over again. And when we got out of the car, I accidentally
dropped the CD and accidentally stepped on it.
we were checked in, we went in search of Carla and Kristin to Mary’s dismay.
She was none too fond about hanging out with my friends, but she wasn’t about
to let me out of her sight, until of course she found alcohol.
found the gang poolside. I hugged and greeted friends I rarely got to see,
while Mary stayed at a distance with a sour expression on her face. I tried to
introduce her to a few, but short answers and her demeanor kept most from
trying to make conversation. I was beginning to resign myself to the fact that
if I were to survive the week, I’d have to cater to her whims just to keep the
peace. That is until I was introduced to her.
friend of a friend, a new face in the crowd shook my hand. Her blue eyes gazed
into mine, and I was smitten. I’m not really sure why she had such an effect on
me, but she did. We barely spoke, yet I felt connected.
Rebecca. I let her name roll off my tongue, especially
the R, when she walked away. I did it over and over in my mind…or at least I
thought so.
you growling?”
turned and noticed Mary standing there with a bewildered expression on her
I was clearing my throat. I’m parched, you want something to drink?” This seemed
to appeal to Mary, so she accompanied me to the bar where we ordered drinks
that came in glasses as big as our heads.
took a sip of her drink, then looked at me with a petulant pout. “I’m really
bored. Can we do something fun?”
promise we’ll do something that you want to do, but like I explained when I
invited you, I only get to see some of these people once a year. I’d like to
spend a little time with them. I can’t just drop in and say hello, then run
off. Besides, they’re really a great group, you should give ’em a chance.”
here’s where I get really irritated with myself and Mary. I didn’t invite her. I mentioned that I
went away each year to get together with friends, and she got all excited and
wanted to know when we were leaving. And since I’m a wimp, and it was
Valentine’s Day, I acted as though it was my idea all along.
did, however, explain that the week was usually spent hanging out with my
longtime buddies, and she seemed perfectly content in doing that, until we got there.
just that it’s Valentine’s Day,” Mary complained. “We should be doing things
here,” Carla said excitedly as she joined us at the bar.
known Shawna since elementary school and was thrilled that she’d made it after
missing the last three years due to work. “Mary, come meet Shawna, you’ll love
her,” I said excitedly.
Mary perched upon a bar stool and waved her hand dismissively. “I’m gonna order
another drink.”
yourself,” Carla said as she dragged me back to our friends.
and I barely had time to reminisce when Mary came over and whispered in my ear
that she was feeling “a little pukish” and needed my help getting back to the
room. And so I escorted her to our room and tucked her into bed. Before she
passed out, she begged me to stay with her, so I did.
had been asleep for about an hour when it occurred to me that she was going to
need something to drink and maybe a few crackers to nibble when she woke up. I
went down to the vending machines in hopes of finding something she could keep
down. I was studying the contents of the snack machine when I heard a voice
behind me.
pickings, isn’t it?”
turned to find Rebecca grinning from ear to ear.
girlfriend is suffering from ‘one too many,’ so I’m trying to find something to
settle her stomach.” She winced when I said the word girlfriend.
suffering from ‘one too many’ myself. One too many hours in the sun. My fair
skin is not accustomed to this Florida sun yet.”
are you from?” I asked, noticing for the first time the redness of her cheeks.
Virginia, but I just relocated to Tallahassee,” Rebecca said as she plugged a
dollar into the soda machine. “How about you?”
live in Orlando.”
with all the theme parks,” Rebecca said as her eyes lit up, making them seem
even bluer than they really were. “I’m gonna spend some quality time there when
I get over this trip financially.”
was on the verge of offering her a guided tour and lodging when I remembered
that I wasn’t free to do that yet. “I’ll give you my number before we leave. Maybe
I can give you some tips on where to stay. It’s a lot cheaper to find a hotel
outside of the parks.”
would be great,” she said with a smile. “I’ll see y’all at dinner then.”
watched as she walked away, trying to figure out what it was about her that
drew me in so, until my cell phone began to buzz in my pocket. I knew
instinctively who it was without looking. I fed my money into the machines,
collected my purchases, then went back to my room to face the music.
hoped that Mary would bow out on dinner, but no such luck. We arrived late as
usual. My friends were kind enough to save us a couple of seats, and mine was
directly across from Rebecca’s. Part of me was elated, then the other half felt
guilty. Even though I was in what I considered a non-relationship at this
point, I still wasn’t single. And Rebecca didn’t strike me as the type who would
be interested in someone who stepped out on her girlfriend.
girlfriend on the other hand found the woman sitting next to her very
interesting. They laughed and drank like two old friends. I focused on my food
and did my best not to look at Rebecca. But when temptation got the best of me,
I’d glance her way. Occasionally, she would catch me looking at her and smile.
That smile was turning me inside out, and I made up my mind right there to stay
away from Rebecca.
lasted about an hour. Mary and her new best friend made a beeline for the dance
floor when we left the restaurant for the bar. A few of us sat around chatting
and watching the antics on the dance floor. At one point, Rebecca and Mary were
dancing within a few feet of each other, and I realized that Rebecca was the
polar opposite of Mary. No makeup, no painted nails. Her clothes weren’t what I
considered butch, but they weren’t the latest the Gap had to offer, either. Her
brown hair wasn’t highlighted like Mary’s, but it was wavy and glossy, and I
wondered what it might feel like if I ran my fingers through it.
drink anyone? I’m going to the bar,” Carla said, breaking me from my thoughts.
and I’ll help,” I volunteered, needing the distraction. “What do you know about
Rebecca?” I asked as we made our way through the crowd.
adorable, isn’t she?” Carla called over her shoulder.
didn’t respond. I was in too deep just by asking about her.
we ordered the drinks, Carla turned to me with a grin on her face. “She’s
single, went through a rough breakup a year or two ago.”
try to play cupid,” I warned. “I’ve got issues right now.”
if you didn’t have issues, would you
be interested?”
turned and leaned against the bar, watching the object of our discussion on the
dance floor. “She’s not what I normally go for, and I think that’s the appeal.
There’s just something about her that seems so…real.”
what I hear, she’s a pretty decent woman. No pretense, no drama, pretty down to
earth.” Carla nudged me. “Exactly the kind of woman you need in your life.”
sighed and turned my back to the dance floor. “Well, as you know, I have a
woman in my life, so there’s little I can do right now.”
waved off my attempt to pay for my drink. She handed me a couple of bottles,
then gathered up the rest. “I’m hoping that now that you realize there are some
really great women out there, you’ll get off your ass and kick Mary to the
curb.” She paused a step and looked me in the eye. “You’re really not doing
Mary any favors. If you can’t love her the way you should, then let her go.”
returned to the table just in time for a popular song to begin. The group I’d
been hanging out with clamored onto the dance floor, and I sat down to enjoy my
don’t like to dance?”
was surprised to see that Rebecca had settled in the seat next to me. “I’m not
very good at it, so I avoid it every chance I get. I grinned at her. “You on
the other hand seem to enjoy it a lot.”
love to dance,” she said with a twinkle in her eye.
else do you love?” I asked, feeling a boldness that I only felt when consuming
alcohol, which is why I didn’t drink often.
love dogs, how about you?”
I have two of them.”
thought for a moment. “Neat or messy?”
though you can’t tell it by the shape of my apartment right now. And you?”
dipped her head and smiled sheepishly. “Messy. I can be neat when properly
motivated, but I feel organized when things are spread out where I can see
kind of music do you listen to?” I asked.
Now your turn,” she said as she sipped her drink.
about everything but country.”
Rebecca said with a smile, but the twinkle in her eyes was gone. “We have so
much in common.” She thought for a moment, then asked, “Favorite cartoon
would be Scooby-Doo, and I imagine yours is Snoopy.”
watched as Rebecca pulled a keychain from her pocket. Scooby smiled at me as it
dangled from her fingers. I wanted to say, there’s
hope for us yet. Instead, I just smiled.
up?” Mary asked, eyeing the key ring still dangling.
was so engrossed in our conversation that I didn’t realize Mary had joined us.
“Rebecca is a Scooby fan like me,” I said.
made a halfhearted attempt at a smile. “Really?”
I was just showing Meagan my key chain. I’ll save modeling my Scooby pajamas
for another night,” Rebecca said with a grin. “Right now, it’s time for me to
turn in. I’ll see you both tomorrow.”
was that supposed to mean?” Mary asked as Rebecca walked away. “What reason
would you have to see her sleepwear?”
was a joke.” I knew the familiar signs of an impending argument, and I was
hoping to stop it before it began.
face twisted in disgust. “What kind of grown woman wears cartoon characters on
her pajamas?”
good kind,” I said under my breath.
the days passed, I made it a point to avoid Rebecca. It was growing almost
painful to be around her.
Valentine’s Day, I spent time alone with Mary as promised. It didn’t work out
to be the romantic day she expected, though. That night, she made it implicitly
clear that she wanted to make love. She was on me like a cheap suit kissing my
neck, and as her hands wandered over me, I felt nothing but sadness.
need to take a shower first, I feel icky,” I said as I pried her hands off me.
“I’ll be right out,” I lied. I stayed under the spray of the shower until the
water turned cold. And when I emerged from the bathroom, Mary was asleep as I’d
next morning as Mary showered, I waited on the stairs overlooking the
restaurant where breakfast was being served. My eyes zeroed in on a familiar
figure waiting in line for the buffet. She looked up as though she sensed my
presence and smiled.
returned the smile, then she said, “Jump, I’ll catch you.”
didn’t know what she was asking of me, at least I didn’t think she did. I
wanted to leap over the railing and straight into her arms, but my wings were
clipped. There would be no flight for me.
the rest of our stay, we’d do the same thing each morning. I’d wait on the
stairs until she saw me, and she’d say, “Jump, I’ll catch you.” Of course I
never did, and when we left for home, I wished I had.
Mary and I settled back into our routine, I steeled myself for what had to be
done. I even left work early one day when I’d worked up the nerve. When I
arrived at Mary’s house, I found her back door slightly ajar. I knocked and no
one answered, so I pushed it open, wary of going inside. It was then I noticed
a trail of clothing leading through the kitchen. A shoe, a pair of uniform
pants, a matching shirt, and an abandoned mail sack sat on the kitchen table.
followed the rest of the trail to Mary’s bedroom, where she lay entwined with
the woman who delivered her mail and apparently a lot more. They were asleep, obviously
worn out from the tryst. What I did next went down in history, and Carla would
tell the story over and over to anyone who would listen.
walked up to the bed and gently shook Mary’s new girlfriend. She stirred a
little, then bolted upright, nearly sending Mary to the floor. She looked at me
in horror, as did Mary.
I’m Meagan,” I said as I thrust my hand out to shake. She didn’t take it. “I’m
Mary’s ex-girlfriend as of…” I paused a second and looked at my watch. “As of 2:47
today. I mean this from the bottom of my heart when I say that you two are
perfect for each other, and I hope you have a long happy life together.”
of them said a word as I left the house.
first impulse after leaving there was to call Carla to see if she had Rebecca’s
number but thought better of it. I’d given Rebecca my number before we left the
resort just in case she decided to go to the parks in Orlando and needed a
local to give directions. She never called.
worked a lot to keep my mind occupied and off Rebecca, but late at night when
sleep just wouldn’t come, I’d remember her. Those pretty blue eyes looking up
at me and the way she quirked her mouth before she said, “Jump, I’ll catch
you,” stayed with me for a long time.
work and Carla’s ever-present attempts at matchmaking, I stayed pretty busy
throughout the year. I went on a few dates, but the interest just wasn’t there.
And when the next Valentine’s Day rolled around, I’d just about convinced
myself not to go to the Keys. But Carla stayed on my case until I relented.
the drive down to the Keys, I tried to quell my excitement at the prospect of seeing
Rebecca again with a healthy dose of reality. The spark that I felt was more
than likely one-sided. By now she’d probably have a girlfriend, and she’d
probably be there with her to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Sheesh, what an irony.
I checked in at the resort, I went in search of my group. Just like the year
before and the one before that, they were gathered around the pool. I can’t
deny that I looked for Rebecca, but she wasn’t there. I’d made up my mind I
wasn’t going to ask about her. My heart couldn’t have taken it if someone told
me that she’d met someone else and was living happily ever after.
of all shapes and sizes roamed the resort. There were plenty of single women to
look at, but my heart just wasn’t in it. No one affected me like she did, and
for a moment or two, I doubted that anyone ever would.
knowing that she wasn’t there, I couldn’t help but repeat the ritual of
standing on the staircase the next morning. I scanned the crowd for the
familiar face, but to my disappointment, she wasn’t there. Depressed, I decided
to go back to my room and sulk and have a pity party that might last for hours.
couldn’t turn around, for fear that my mind was playing tricks on me. Then I
heard it again, louder this time.
whirled around and looked out over the breakfast crowd, still not seeing her.
I’ll catch you.”
was standing right below me. The smile faded from her face, and she looked at
me with a seriousness that I’d not seen in her before. “Jump, I will catch you.”
so I did…okay, not really. I ran down the stairs like a fool and straight into
her arms. But figuratively, I did jump.
we bicker over whose turn it is to clean the dinner dishes, who snores the
loudest, and why cats are better than dogs. She messes up the house and I clean
it up. She puts up with my need to have everything in its place. I make fun of
her country music, and she scoffs at mine. And I never let a day go by without
telling her how much I love her and how happy I am that she waited for me to jump.
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