My Heart has Walked With Yours

My soul had heard your voice before

and told my conscious mind

"This is the one".

I knew you the first time you spoke

And your soul knew mine as well.

My heart has walked with yours

in days and lives gone past.

We have lived together

and loved together

in time out of conscious memory

although it has taken me until now

to find you in this life.

We have had to walk separate paths

and we have had to learn our lessons

independently before we could

share ourselves with each other.

Everything that we have experienced,

every person who has entered our lives

every hard decision that had to be made

has led us to this place, together.

"But now that we have found each other

Said the unicorn,

If you believe in me, I'll believe in you."

I can't see two paths anymore, but one.

We have come together to walk together.

It was meant to be this way.

And it will be this way again.



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